Working with parameters

Parameters in Bravo Notes help you re-use values, bits of content and store data to be used in your templates.

Types of parameters

When creating a parameter you can choose between different types. 

  • Text - Text / string value that you want to use across your template
  • Markdown - Snippet of markdown content to be re-used across your template. Use {{> MyMarkdownParameter }} to evaluate handlebars syntax within the content of the parameter
  • HTML - Snippet of HTML content to be re-used across your template. Use {{> MyHtmlParameter }} to evaluate handlebars syntax within the content of the parameter
  • JSON - Arbitrary JSON string that is passed as data to your template. You can use JSON parameters to store replacement strings, lookup / translation maps etc.


Use the param helper to use parameters in your template: 

{{ param 'MyParameter' }}

Use tripple curly braces if your parameter contains HTML

{{{ param 'MyHtmlParameter' }}}

Use handlebars partial syntax {{ > MyPartial }} to evaluate handlebars syntax within the content of the parameter

{{> MyMarkdownParameter }}
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